Review of the year 2014
We are happy to welcome this pretty and promising filly Grace J (Emerald J x Gomera J), full sister to Gallardo J, to be included in our breeding program. Many thanks to the breeder Christine Jamar, Jadem Arabians, Belgium, for entrusting us with this little beauty.
Photo: © Gregor Aymar

At the grandiose European Championships in Lier, Belgium, our Princess Shamaliah proved once again that she can compete with the very big competition. With a super rating of 91.4 points, she finished fourth. She referred a number of international participants to the rear seats, only the Belgian beauty Mississippi J and two competitors from the Middle East she had to leave the championship ticket. Now our princess relaxes warmly wrapped on our local pastures. She is happy about the holidays and we about the great, international success.

Without any expectations, we registered Shamaliah at the All Nations Cup in Aachen. She was supposed to be the partner of Christina at the Handlers Cup and by the way we wanted to show that there are also beautiful horses in Switzerland. So our daughter could run into the class without any stress and simply enjoy presenting our wonderful mare to a large audience. The surprise could not have been bigger: Third place with 92.75 points behind two mares of the well-known Ajman Stud and noted equal with the second placed beauty from the Arab Emirates. An incredible result in a class of ten strong competitors. The Handlers Cup and the Championship took place the following Sunday. To concentrate all the energy on the championship, we decided not to participate in the Handlers Cup. In the championship, the cards are shuffled and unfortunately it was not enough for a new placement. Nevertheless, we are over the moon to be the owner of such a great mare and we are looking forward to enjoy the deserved winter rest at home with her friends.
Photo: © Melanie Groger

National Championship in Obergerlafingen: In the class of the two-year old fillies Khadija (Ajman Moniscione x Khuzama Bint Javier El Jamaal) won the class with 7.2 points. Shamaliah scored the class win of the three-year-old with 7.4 points. This score was not topped by any other horse of this show. She was awarded gold champion and the title "Best of all Arabian horses bred in Switzerland in 2014". For the second time in a row, we got this special title for an offspring from our stud.
Photo: © Joelle Müller

In the best weather conditions, our Shamaliah (Stival x Al Shareefah) won her class on the Kauber Platte with an excellent score of 92.33 points and was unanimously elected Junior Champion. After 2013 with MZ Djlshada we were able to take home the Junior Gold Champion title from Kaub for the second time in a row as EMAJ stud. We are very proud of our young mares.
Photo: © Melanie Groger

Shamaliah (Stival x Al Shareefah) was able to convince with her quality at the European C-Show in the stud farm Ismer in Stroehen, Germany, in July and won the title Bronze Champion. After this impressive performance, she was able to increase again in points on the following day at the international B-Show and achieved the 3rd place in a strong class.
Photo: © Melanie Groger

On the weekend of March 29, MZ-Djlshada (QR Marc x W.A. Djambala) was rewarded with the WAHO Trophy for her outstanding achievements in the 2013 show season. For us, the stud EMAJ, it is a great honor to receive this prize for an exceptional horse like "Chilly". A big thank you to all fans and friends of our Diva Djlshada, who supported and cheered you throughout the year.

We congratulate Tania Badilatti to her Kahiil (Lorenz El Yllan x Kalifah El Gaug). We are happy and wish them all the best on your common way into the future.
Photo: © Melanie Groger