Review of the year 2021
Have a great new Year, have a great new beginning!

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Nashanji Al Shabanu a son of Invictus out of Norah El Perseus. Born 2019 he lives since 2 years on the pasture with 25 other bachelors and geldings every age. He is a gentle, lovely and cute young stallion with great potential under saddle. He is already very tall and strong and has a good temper. All his siblings prooved to be great horses under saddle as they are with great people all over Switzerland. We planed to geld him in 2022 and educate him under saddle in winter 2022. If you are searching for your next sport horse, he simply is the one! Curious? Don‘t hesitate to contact us.

Big brother is watching you. It‘s important to be sure nobody steals the food cart 🙄😂

Sayyidah Bint Al Shareefah (Marajj x Al Shareefah, Elite Stute CH) geboren 2015. Ihr Pedigree enthält die Namen grossartiger Pferde wie CH El Brillo, El Shaklan, Gazal Al Shaqab, Bey Shah, Essteem, Ali Jamaal um nur einige zu nennen. Eleganz, Schönheit, Klugheit, feminine Ausstrahlung, Aufrichtung, Adel, Attitude, Intelligenz, Leistungsbereitschaft, Sportlichkeit, Vielseitigkeit und ein beeindruckendes Pedigree, alles vereint in dieser wunderbaren Stute. Das einzige das ihr noch fehlt ist es Mama zu sein. Im Schauring war sie als Juniorin sehr erfolgreich unterwegs (2016 Int. C-Schau Manerbio / IT Yearling Silber Championesse, Top Ten, All Nations Cup Aachen / DE Top Ten, European Championship Lier / BE - 2018 Europ. C-Schau Lage-Hörste / DE, Junioren Silber Championesse). Heute läuft sie unter dem Sattel und ist vielseitig einsetzbar, an allem interessiert und kaum müde zu bekommen. Dressur, Springen im Parcours und Gelände sowie auch lange Aus- oder Wanderritte geniesst sie. Wir freuen uns in der 2. Generation unseres Zuchtprogrammes eine solch tolle Stute hervorgebracht zu haben.

Letzte Woche im Geländetraining bei Eva Weber mit Sayyidah Bint Al Shareefah (Marajj x Al Shareefah). Auch wenn wir noch in den Kinderschuhen dieser Sportart stecken, fasziniert es mich, wie willig, mutig und mit viel Herz dieses kleine Energiepacket immer mit dabei ist. Kaum müde zu kriegen ist sie jederzeit bereit für neue Abendteuer! Vielen Dank an Eva Weber, du hast uns eine ganz neue Faszination gezeigt und inspirierst uns bei jedem Training neu!
Foto: © Sabrina Stadler

This morning at around 4 a.m. our last foal of this year was born!🥰 Sarhani Al Babilon, a filly out of our Shamaliah x Alfabia Babilon. We are totally in love with this little princess! What a cute!

Was für ein unglaubliches Erlebnis! Fähre fahren mit Pferden. Heute sind wir auf unserem dreitägigen Wanderritt von Sulz nach Adetswil mit der Fähre in Horgen nach Meilen mit unseren Pferden übergesetzt. Wir hatten keine Ahnung wie das funktionieren wird und platzten fast vor Stolz, als unsere beiden Pferde ohne zu zögern, über die Rampe aufs Boot stiegen und sich nach einer kurzen Angewöhnungszeit total ruhig und relaxed transportieren liessen. Muharridh (Muhadschirina x Al Hadiyah) und Sayyidah Bint Al Shareefah (Al Shareefah x Marajj) sind die besten und machen uns als Züchter extrem stolz. Muharridh könnte keine bessere Besitzerin haben als Anja Baumgartner! Eure Bindung ist wunderschön und „Muha“ ist so ein glückliches und freches aber zufriedenes Pferd bei dir!

We congratulate the proud new owner of Don Juan (Fadi Al Shaqab x MZ-Djlshada) on this great and lovable gelding! Having your first horse is a big moment in life. We wish both of them the very best on their journey through life together.
Foto: © Melanie Groger

Yoga for advanced students 😂😂😂 This little man is really great! Nadeem Ibn Calypso (Calypso OS x Nawari El Noor)

Happy Easter everyone! We enjoy our little Easter bunny to the full 🥰

One of the most precious gifts of nature! A healthy and strong foal and a healthy mother. Nawari El Noor (Emerald J x Norah El Perseus) with her first foal, a chestnut colt sired by Calypso OS three days old now. And it is best to sleep under mum. Poor mama doesn't dare to move an inch 🙄😂

Happy Birthday Sabaal Ibn Sayed (El Sayed x Eastern Charm)! Sunday was his big day, Sabaal turned 30 years old.

Oops, where is the person all of a sudden ??? Aha was hiding there in the snow 🙄😅 There was so much snow, you could hide in it 🙄😂
Foto: © Katja Stuppia

Our pretty ladies, there isn‘t anything as beautiful as a mare herd in deep winter all fluffy and full of energy.
Foto: © Katja Stuppia

🌟Young and strong🌟 Shaheerah Bint Eternity, daughter of Shamaliah and Eternity Ibn Navarrone-D. This young girl develops with every day and gains more confidence, strength and attitude. Her new owner can be so lucky and pround on her as she is doing amazing in the training, becoming a great performance horse. The future is yours!
Foto: © Katja Stuppia

Norah El Perseus a daughter of Niharra El Jamaal and Perseus El Jamaal. One of our oldest mares who had a huge influence on our breeding program. She truly is a character and the boss over our mare herd since ever. She gave us already so many great foals, one of them is our amazing Nawari El Noor who will have her first foal this year. She just is special and so pretty! A dream in white!
Foto: © Katja Stuppia

Sitara Bint Hariry, the youngest of the three sisters, out of Al Shareefah and sired by Hariry Al Shaqab. Her eyes are huge, round and soft, I never get tired looking into them and feeling a strong sentiment of affection. Her character is strong but very cute and friendly. She has so much energy and loves ro show off when it‘s needed. Successful in the showring as a junior mare, she gets broken into riding these days and seems to be as talented under saddle as her two sisters. The three sisters, our present and future, our joy, love and passion.
Foto: © Katja Stuppia

Sayyidah Bint Al Shareefah, the middle of the three sisters, daughter of Al Shareefah and Marajj. This young mare is perfect for us in all respects. She is always motivated to work with people, talented under the saddle and successful in the show ring. The only reason why she has not yet bred is because I have so much fun doing sports with her. Nevertheless, I can hardly wait for her offspring and who knows, maybe this spring it will be time to mate her for the first time. 😉
Foto: © Katja Stuppia

Shamaliah out of Al Shareefah and sired by Stival is the oldest of our three sisters. Being very successful in the showring as a junior and senior mare, she got broken into riding last summer 2020. With her two daughters, she proved herself as a great producer as well. This incredible pretty mare is enjoying the snow and is always up for some fun. She is strong and full of energy, presenting herself so royal. She will be due in june 2021 with her third foal.
Foto: © Katja Stuppia

The future belongs to the young ones. Gandari El Saanj (Jaipur El Perseus x Grace J) is a very special young lady, a present as her mum and as elegant as her father.
Foto: © Katja Stuppia

The three sisters! Three daughters out of Al Shareefah one of our foundation mares. This three girls are our future, pride and joy. Shamaliah by Stival, Sitara Bint Hariry by Hariry Al Shaqab and Sayyidah Bint Al Shareefah by Marajj.
Foto: © Katja Stuppia

❄️ We love winter ❄️ Our horses have just as much fun in this white splendor as we do. 60cm of snow, powdery, cold and a photographer who spontaneously had the time to digitally capture this winter of the century and our horses, what more could you want? Many thanks to Katja Stuppia, Photography Stuppia, it was a really fun shoot and the pictures speak for themselves!😃
Foto: © Katja Stuppia

It snows and snows and snows ... 🤩