Review of the year 2022
Have a great new Year, have a great new beginning!


Our senior had a tough night of partying. This morning, after yesterday's Advent event, he wanted to sleep a little longer. It is already a thing of the past, our Advent Event 2022. We experienced a wonderful evening, with many dear guests who made their way from near and far under the edges. We were very happy to have met so many dear people again and new horse enthusiasts. We would like to thank all visitors, friends and especially our stable staff who polished the stable and the horses to a high gloss.

Shasmin (QR Marc x Shamaliah) is back in training. After a 1.5 year break from riding (due to human concerns) I am impressed how well and confidently she does it. Already the second time in the saddle we went on a short ride in the country and she mastered it exemplary. Solid basic training pays off!

🌟 This year there will be another advent event, here on our farm 🌟 We look forward to inviting you to our Christmas stable for this evening and to “opening” the 17th Christmas window together with us.

Today Malika Al Jamaal (Pryam El Jamaal x Muhadschirina) moved to her new home. We wish her and her new owners all the best for the future together and that she quickly makes new friends with her new colleagues. Farewell you little beauty queen!

Wow what a gelding!!! Imagine him fully grown and under the saddle! Our charmer and sunny boy. At the age of three and a half, he is already 1.57 m tall. Dayjshan (Cavalli x MZ-Djlshada) born in 2019
Foto: © Melanie Groger

Nevana Bint Sharahm (Norah El Perseus x Sharahm) born 2022. It makes the rider's heart beat faster. Instead of telling a lot about you, I invite you to get to know the sweety personally and to convince yourself of its advantages. By the way, Nevana is Romansh and means „Snow White”. Imagine her all in white in a few years ♥️
Foto: © Melanie Groger

New pictures of our princess Sarhani Al Babilon (Shamaliah x Alfabia Babilon) born 2021. Yes like her mum, she is something very special! We love her pedigree. We love her look. We love her cheekily character. And we even love her to the moon and back as the full package of greatness.
Foto: © Melanie Groger

Wow he turned out sooooo pretty!!!!! We are totally in love with him! Nashanji Al Shabanu (Norah El Perseus x Invictus) is already white at the age of three and a half and 1.59 m tall! I can't wait to start his training! He also wants to fall in love with a dear person who loves him, encourages him and wants to give him a home for life! If you get to know him personally contact us without obligation. A great gelding and future riding horse.

We wish Darshan El Santorini (Santorini x MZ-Djlshada) and his new owner all the best on our future journey together. In any case, he seems to be feeling very comfortable in his new home.

Proud breeder: We recently received the following pictures of Nabucco El Perseus (QR Marc x Norah El Perseus) *2016. It was Nabucco who made it very clear that he wanted to stay with these two people. They had no choice, they succumbed to his charms immediately. Two years ago he left us as a very young, freshly ridden and lanky gelding. What this couple has achieved with this horse in this time is remarkable! That makes us happy and proud! Thank you for the pictures, the dream home and the nice feedback.

Look who‘s freshly gelded and on their way back home to our stud farm ... Dayshan (Cavalli x MZ-Djlshada) * 2019 and Nashanji Al Shabanu (Invictus x Norah El Perseus) * 2019. Riders get ready, this two will impress you!

We were very proud of our two horse ladies and their two lead ladies. Malika Al Jamaal took part in such a competition for the first time in her life, Sabaah Il Khayr for the second time and both did an excellent job and put a lot of effort into the tasks. After the start, the four marched on foot from Fehraltorf home to the stud farm in Adetswil. It was nice to see how finely and enthusiastically Laura Hakenl and Julienne Dupuis wrote with our two horses.
Foto: © Anna Stuppia

⭐️ Great opportunity ⭐️ Are you searching for your next performance horse? Shasmin has it all and even more. If you have a serious interest in this pretty mare, contact us without any hesitation.

This year we have two very exciting young stallions for sale. One of them is Dayjshan, who impresses with his character and balanced exterior. He is currently still living in the young stallion group on the foal pasture in Switzerland, has grown up robust and very social. We personally see his future as a gelding in sport. If you are interested, contact us without obligation, Dayjshan is looking forward to getting to know his people.

Norah El Perseus (Perseus el Jamaal x Niharra El Jamaal) gave birth to a wonderful filly sired by Sharahm (Gharam x Sorella), on sunday early morning. She got everything we were dreaming of! 🤩 A strong filly and she will be grey 🥰 We could not have been wishing for more! Nevana Bint Sharahm (Sharahm x Norah El Perseus) *2022

Some horses like to be treated like queens 🙄😅

Many thanks to Katja Stuppia for the amazing pictures!
Foto: © Katja Stuppia

Nadeem Ibn Calypso born 2021, first foal out of Nawari El Noor (Emerald J x Norah El Perseus), sired by Calypso OS. The youngest of the „Norah-Family“. He outdid all our expectations! What a beauty he is and his presence is all over the place. He‘s a true dancer with an attitude of a prince. His cute and friendly character gives you no other option than to fall in love with him. He‘s now growing up on the pasture together with 25 other bachelors his age and older. We are sure, this young boy has an exciting future ahead of him and we can‘t wait, to bring him back home and find out where his future will lead him first.
Foto: © Melanie Groger

Nawari El Noor (Emerald J x Norah El Perseus) *2015 is going to continue the heritage of her fabulous mother Norah El Perseus. As a junior she prooved her qualities in the international showring with some great results. As a five year old mare we educated her under saddle and bred her for the very first time. 2021 she gifted us her first foal, Nadeem Ibn Calypso, who outdid all our expectations! She is an all around complete mare, who has it all: femaleness, beauty, movements, strong and correct body and legs. She synergizes all the qualities we are passionate about to breed: beauty, good character and versatility. We cherish her and her mother and are excited for their future.
Foto: © Melanie Groger

One of the pillars in our breeding program: Norah El Perseus (Niharra El Jamaal x Perseus El Jamaal) *2006. A tall elegant lady with a lot of charisma and character. We bought her as she was a yearling and cherish her presence, beauty and progeny every day. She blessed us with 6 foals. All of them are nicely performing under saddle. Her daughter Nawari El Noor by Emerald J stays with us, to continue her mothers heritage in our breeding program. Norah El Perseus is heavily in foal for 2022. We keep crossing our fingers all will go well and can‘t wait for our first offspring this year.
Foto: © Katja Stuppia

A mare we absolutely adore 👑 Her character is like gold, her charisma shines like diamonds and her attitude is like the one of a queen. With Juliah B (Bint Bey Shah x Justify) a treasure found her way from America to Switzerland. Thank you Bob Boggs, Janene Boggs and Austin Boggs for this great mare.